Cris Sommer-Simmons, Pilot
Laura Klock, Crew
Toastacia Boyd, Crew/video/photos
Athena Ransom, Crew/Mechanic
Day 4 was a beautiful one for Team Effie on many levels. Weather was great, bike ran great, Cris was smiling. Cris' husband Pat arrived tonight to join our team. Great reception at Coker Tire. Just all good.

Toast doing a Vanna White at the Coker Museum at the end of Day 4.
Cris didn't ride the hills this morning in an effort to keep Effie strong and in the run for the long haul. We need to make it to California! So, Effie and Cris rode in the van with the crew to the lunch stop and this was so fun for a couple reasons. One being that she doesn't get to be with us even though we are all here together, and we miss talking to her during the day! She filled us in on what it feels like to be out there riding Effie. The open road and how awesome it is when they are gliding along. How it does get lonely sometimes. The adventures she's had like getting her foot run over, seeing that big snake...what it's like to approach a stop light and pray that she doesn't kill it in traffic...how reading the roll charts (maps) can be fun but also a challenge and how she celebrates when she doesn't make a wrong turn. And how happy she is to see us waiting for her when she rolls in at the end of the day. And two, WE, the crew, got to take some of the windy back roads today! THAT was a treat for us because the support crew is not allowed to cross paths with the riders, so our route is normally the nearest highway, not the cool roads the riders are on. Don't get me wrong, us ladies can talk the time away and I'm pretty sure that we've solved all the world's problems during our time in the van - I wouldn't trade the time that I've had with Athena and Toast...but an interstate is an interstate and you don't see as much of the cool parts of the country on the interstate. TODAY, we saw some cool stuff in the mountains crossing from North Carolina to Tennessee. Some twisty roads, cool resorts, rivers, and mountains.
Here she comes!! Finish line of Day 4 and Cris crosses on time!
Cris arrived on time, and got full points for the part she rode today. She is holding strong in the same spot as others move around up and down. She reported that Effie even felt like she had more power today, thanks to an adjustment that Athena made last night. It's fun to watch rider and bike bond, grow, get comfortable and learn about each other.
Remember to check http://www.motorcyclecannonball.com/ for GREAT updates and stats each day.
They are doing a really awesome job keeping it up to date. I go there just to read about the other riders because we get so focused on our rider, we don't always hear the other stories!
The reception tonight at Coker Tires was really Cool. I've picked out a few new favorite bikes. My husband will be happy to hear this. I really like the 1911 Thor Single Cylinder, the 1953 Nimbus 4 Cylinder (Denmark) (never even heard or see something like that one, but it's cool!, and the 1921 Hudson. I got my picture taken with Corky Coker. Corky gave free tires to all the cannonball riders that were running Coker tires, and when they change them out, he will send them another set. Thought that was a pretty cool gesture. Mr. Coker's son Cameron has been with us since we left Kitty Hawk - not riding but with different crews and traveling along for the ride. It was fun to talk to him. They have an amazing facility, an amazing collection of bikes and cars, and they fed us some amazing food. They offered up their shop to anyone that needed to work on the bikes, just like Dale Walksler at Wheels Through Time did last night, and the bikes rolled in. Always maintenance to do every single night, and some of the teams had more major repairs.
Laura and Corky Coker of Coker Tires.
One of Laura’s favorites from the Coker Museum
There was an accident today. One of the sidecar sweep dudes had an incident on his '66 Harley - the brakes went out. He found himself in a corner on a downhill road with no way to slow the bike. Mongo is ok, but the bike and sidecar didn't fare so well. That's a bummer as he was here helping out as part of the staff for the Cannonball.
Jeff Decker #21 continues to "wrench, ride, repeat" (I saw a t-shirt today that says that on the back). Tonight I saw him limping and asked him what happened. Besides the handlebars breaking on him, apparently he hyper extended his knee while kicking his bike. OUCH! I hope he's ok enough to .... wrench, ride, repeat again tomorrow.
Cris has found Jim Petty #55 to be a GREAT riding partner. His Indian and Effie get along great and they have both enjoyed riding together over the last few days.
Matt Olsen got the sears, #85, running again and plans to ride tomorrow. We wish him all the best! Poor guy. I took a photo of him catching a couple hours of sleep on the couch at Dale's last night.
We sat with Irma at dinner tonight. Her husband is riding the #13 Excelsior that I saw completely taken apart at Dales' last night. I have photos I'm going to try to upload - but the motor was all the way out and she was cleaning parts off like an ER Nurse...and today, he rode it! Amazing to see.
So many stories and so much fun to learn more about each of the riders and their bikes. We continue to pit next to enjoy the company of Steve Hunsinger and his krew. We've come up with many names for them including "the Roughians" - but they are 4 great guys that ride hard and fast together, but are always willing to give us a tip or a hand. Steve built Cris' bike so Effie has a special place in his heart too.
Cris' husband Pat arrived tonight! She was excited to see him of course, and we are excited to welcome him to the team.
Tomorrow is Day 5. We head into Alabama. It's a 212 mile day, so wish us luck!
OF COURSE there are motor maids at the finish line to greet Cris! Because Motor Maids ROCK! They have been at about every stop we've made. Thank you Motor Maids.
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