LAURA ON THE ROAD WITH TEAM EFFIE – “Determination Continues to Prevail” (Day 11 - September 21)
DAY 11!! - More fingers needed! GO TEAM EFFIE!! We are on the home stretch
Right away this morning we had the pleasure of meeting a young man named Jonathan. Jonathan and his dad came to see the bikes leave. We talked to him and took some pictures of him on the bike, encouraged him, gave him some stickers. That's one of the cool parts about this journey. The people we get to meet along the way, and the chances we have to share the story and inspire the young and old alike. For me, that really started the day with a smile.
DAY 11!! - More fingers needed! GO TEAM EFFIE!! We are on the home stretch
Right away this morning we had the pleasure of meeting a young man named Jonathan. Jonathan and his dad came to see the bikes leave. We talked to him and took some pictures of him on the bike, encouraged him, gave him some stickers. That's one of the cool parts about this journey. The people we get to meet along the way, and the chances we have to share the story and inspire the young and old alike. For me, that really started the day with a smile.
DAY 11 - Future Motorcycle Cannonball rider! We met Jonathan in the parking lot before we left for Day 11. He was with his dad and I think they said dad pulled him out of school just to see the bikes take off. Motorcycle Cannonball...inspiring young and old alike all across America!
Clovis, NM, to Albuquerque, NM, is about 234 miles. Which should seem an easy ride compared to the last 2 days. Today Pat is driving the van, and Athena took a stab at navigating, so I thought, cool, I will take this opportunity to use my laptop until the battery goes dead and write day 9 and 10 since I fell a little behind. That went fine until I looked up from the computer from the back seat of the van a couple times, and got a little van-sick. Kind of like being sea sick. Not a good feeling. So, I rushed to finish it, posted, and shut off the computer, but felt sick for most of the rest of the day. Thankfully I didn't have to think too hard or pay too much attention to the directions today, so I stared straight ahead in hopes that I wouldn't have to ask to pull over. Note to self: be the navigator and stay in the front seat, and do the typing on solid ground.
The first bike we rolled up on today was #5, David Thompson on his 1914 Indian. He got it running, but it wasn't too happy, so we stayed behind him with flashers on until the lunch stop. Being a sweeper has helped us really feel a part of the whole experience. At times we are driving at 15-45 mph assisting and blocking for a rider. We truly do know what it's like to travel across the country at 45 mph, just like the riders do!
Cris had texted that they were at Penny's Diner for lunch, so we joined them. What a cool place in Vaughn, NM. Fifties music playing and the whole deal. Cris and the Ruffians looked like they were having a nice day. Cris reported that a nut on the floorboard had come loose so they taped it up. She'd been checking it at gas stops because we'd been having trouble getting it to tighten. We were happy that that was all there was to report! How blessed are we that the worst we hear is that a bolt came loose? Go Team Effie!
DAY 11 - Penny's Diner...where some of us stopped to eat on Day 11. Somewhere in New Mexico. Vaughn, New Mexico I think it is! What day is it? what state am I in? and what time zone?
We traveled on what I believe is called the Salt Mission Trail today. When we went by it so reminded me of the Bonneville Salt Flats that my family and I returned from just a few days before I left home to meet Team Effie in Kitty Hawk, NC back in early September. It was nice to reflect for a moment on how truly blessed we were at the salt this year! What beautiful scenery out here even though you look ahead and the road just goes on and on and on.
Pat gave us a Pat's view on life report today and emphasized the need to "live in the moment". Athena and I listened intently, knowing there's a reason that we are all in the van together, both believing there are no coincidences. You never know where the exact words you need to hear will come from in a day, and today Pat had a captive audience. So much so we missed a turn and went about 20 miles out of the way, but that was probably part of the plan too.
At the end of the course today, we followed Bill Nugent closely and had to get out to push him and his Sears up the hill a couple times, but he made it. Bill is still doing Miles for Matt, and he's logged 632 miles total so far. If you'd like to pledge, let me know.
Team Effie arrived in Albuquerque safe and sound. Cris' brother Mark was there to meet her, along with Chopper Nick, Athena's husband Don's close friend that she hadn't seen in about 6 years. We have some Motor Maids traveling along with the ride right now too. Again we were greeted by a nice crowd of people offering encouragement, kudos and support. We continue to embrace the position we are in to truly inspire other women (and men) to challenge themselves. Cris has the very distinguished honor of representing women in motorcycling in a way that so honors our past, as well as has the opportunity to inspire and reach well into the future. On days when we've had a frustrating time, are tired, greasy, crabby, we are still faced with the opportunities to either be negative and miss the chance to share with someone or even to encourage each other, or be positive and truly inspire. If you can do an interview when you really feel like you can't, or if you can make it that last 10 miles when you feel like you don't have another mile in you, that's what people notice and see and that's what helps them look within and perhaps find hope to continue on with their own challenges in life. People want to live vicariously through you when you have the opportunity to do something really cool. Athena and I pick up those wrenches every night...not sure if the maintenance will be routine or if we will find something we might have to ask for help with, but we look forward to those moments we have to ask, because then we learn something new. And all along the way we get opportunities to share that knowledge and pay it forward. There are times when maybe dropping an f-bomb would temporarily offer a release, but there is a certain responsibility we have when we are given so much opportunity. We CARE about how our team is perceived. So we smile. How blessed are we to be here?!? I remind myself that there's probably someone in the trailer right next to us that is experiencing something so much worse, so, suck it up, and endure during this endurance run. "To whom much is given much is expected."
I'll let the pictures tell you more today. As always, be sure to check out the website for scores and updates.
Laura Klock
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